Good Coders Copy but Great Coders Steal - Mr.TopTech

Good Coders Copy but Great Coders Steal

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Apple co-founder Steve Jobs once said, “We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.”
What’s amazing to note here is that it is the same Steve Jobs who was once quoted as saying to his biographer Walter Isaacson,

"I'm going to destroy Android because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this.”
Well, whichever side of the fence you might be on when it comes to the “stealing” debate, history has shown that great products have often been derivatives of inspiration. 

Let’s share two facts from history, one each from the world of development and design:

1) Development of Macintosh
There is no denying the fact that Steve Jobs drew much of his inspiration for the Macintosh from his visits to the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in the late 70s. The mouse and the icons that Steve got integrated with the Apple Macintosh were ideas that were lifted from these visits to the Xerox office.

2) The “Design Thinking” process
Another fact from history pertains to Jonathan Ive, better known as Jony Ive who is currently the Chief Design Officer (CDO) at Apple and the man behind the many iconic product designs like iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. What very few people know is that much before Jony Ive rose to prominence there was a German Industrial Designer in Dieter Rams who went to on prescribing the 10 Principles of Good Design. Rams’ incredible work at consumer products company Braun where he delivered product designs that were way ahead of their times was something that I've taken inspiration from.

These events from history clearly establish that there exists a fine line between plagiarism and drawing inspiration. 

Let’s further flesh out this distinction through the help of the following two examples:

Example 1
Did you know that as Artificial Intelligence takes center stage, even Computers are Learning to Code for themselves?

DeepCoder is a project jointly run by Microsoft and the University of Cambridge. It searches a repository of code to build a project solution that is aligned to the specs. The system keeps getting smarter with every program it builds as it keeps learning and figuring out which code snippets work well together. Now that certainly not codes plagiarism. Is it?

Example 2
Wouldn’t you love it when automatic patch generation ends up resolving software bugs on their own?

Well, that’s exactly what is made possible thanks to a program created by researchers at MIT in 2015 and is well documented in the research report, titled“Automatic Patch Generation by Learning Correct Code”. 

The beauty of this program is that it learns from past successful human patches to automatically fix code defects in software programs.

As technology continues to evolve, the need of the hour is to use it to our advantage and improve the quality of life. 

The popular web-based code sharing platform GitHub (now owned by Microsoft) is another example of how coders are collaborating and helping each other out by sharing their code publicly. 

The word “stealing” therefore could have different connotations when applied to the world of technology in general and coding per se. While it is most certainly wrong to lift code(s) verbatim, what is not wrong is to understand an existing code and improve it functionally (code refactoring) and visually. After all, a successful code is the testament to the fact that there exists a starting point and you know that code works. 

Now all you need to do is repurpose the code for the specific task at hand. 

Lifting code verbatim from other programmers and passing it off as your own is not only unethical but it will never add anything to your learning as well. So, the next time you are tempted to “steal a code” evaluate yourself whether you are plagiarizing or refactoring the code to get things done faster.

Original Article By- TechGig 

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